Permanent Dentures. Renewing Smiles with Durable, Attractive Dentures and Partials.

An incomplete smile can prevent you from doing the things you love. You may turn down social invitations or withdraw from friends and family. Dr. Simmonds can help you regain your smile andyour life with natural-looking dentures and partials.

If you’ve lost all your teeth to decay, disease, or trauma, full dentures may be the right solution for your smile. They contain a complete set of prosthetic teeth on a gum-colored base to recreate a natural smile. With dentures, you’ll be able to eat the foods you love, speak with confidence, and smile! Dr. Simmonds may suggest a full denture or partial, if you have some healthy teeth remaining. Partials fit securely in the gaps left my missing teeth and protect neighboring teeth from shifting.

Changing lives. One smile at a time. Call today to schedule your dentures consultation with Dr. Simmonds. We give families in Orlando Florida and the Metro West area of central Florida customized care for beautiful smiles and lasting oral health.