Porcelain Veneers and Lumineers are both great options to get your natural smile back from stains, chips, or even gaps.

LUMINEERS are porcelain veneers that offer the painless way to a permanently whiter and perfectly aligned smile. These contact lens-thin “smile shapers” can be applied to teeth without any grinding or shaving, transforming teeth into a naturally beautiful smile that looks perfect for every individual. LUMINEERS can even be placed over existing crown or bridgework without having to replace them.

If you don’t like the idea of enamel reduction or want the option to return to your natural smile in the future, you may want to consider Lumineers. These ultra-thin shells alter the size and shape of teeth while letting natural tooth color shine through. Lumineers aren’t right for everyone. Dr. Simmonds will examine your teeth and discuss your expectations to help you determine the best path to your ideal smile.

Beautiful, shapely teeth convey charisma and enthusiasm. If your smile is marred by stains, chips, or gaps, we have a solution. Dr. Simmonds uses porcelain veneers and Lumineers to create captivating smiles.

Porcelain veneers are custom restorations that cover teeth to mask imperfections, close gaps, and create picture-perfect smiles. They’re handcrafted from fine dental porcelain that mimics natural tooth enamel, which means that they look and feel entirely natural. Porcelain veneers are permanent smile enhancements and require some enamel reduction. Click here to learn more. For many patients, porcelain veneers are the perfect solution for a beautiful smile.

If you don’t like the idea of enamel reduction or want the option to return to your natural smile in the future, you may want to consider Lumineers. These ultra-thin shells alter the size and shape of teeth while letting natural tooth color shine through. Lumineers aren’t right for everyone. Dr. Simmonds will examine your teeth and discuss your expectations to help you determine the best path to your ideal smile.

Our team has taken numerous advanced training courses on this procedure. To see if you are a candidate, call our office for a complimentary consultation.

Changing lives. One smile at a time. Call today to schedule your porcelain veneers or lumineers consultation with Dr. Simmonds. We give families in Orlando Florida and the Metro West area of central Florida customized care for beautiful smiles and lasting oral health.