Orlando Florida Dentists provide professional fluoride treatments in the form of a highly concentrated rinse, foam, gel, or varnish.

Fluoride treatment may be applied with a swab, brush, tray, or mouthwash. These treatments have much more fluoride than what’s in your water or toothpaste. They only take a few minutes to apply. You may be asked to avoid eating or drinking for 30 minutes after the treatment so the fluoride can fully absorb.

What are the benefits of fluoride?

Fluoride works by restoring minerals to tooth surfaces where bacteria may have eroded the enamel. It can also inhibit the growth of harmful oral bacteria and further prevent cavities. Fluoride benefits both children and adults. The earlier children are exposed to fluoride, the less likely they are to develop cavities. A large study found that children and adolescents who received fluoride treatments for one year were 43 percent less likely to have tooth decay and cavities.

Changing lives. One smile at a time. Call today to schedule a fluoride treatment consultation with Dr. Simmonds. We give families in Orlando Florida and the Metro West area of central Florida customized care for beautiful smiles and lasting oral health.