Sports Mouthguards, help minimize the risk of broken teeth and injuries to your lips, tongue, face or jaw.

A sports Mouthguard typically cover the upper teeth and are a great way to protect the soft tissues of your tongue, lips and cheek lining.

When Should You Wear a Mouthguard?

When it comes to protecting your mouth, a mouthguard is an essential piece of athletic gear that should be part of your standard equipment from an early age. While collision and contact sports, such as boxing, are higher-risk sports for the mouth, any athlete may experience a dental injury in non-contact activities too, such as gymnastics and skating.

Changing lives. One smile at a time. Call today to schedule a sports mouthguard consultation with Dr. Simmonds. We give families in Orlando Florida and the Metro West area of central Florida customized care for beautiful smiles and lasting oral health.