Cosmetic dental restoration consists of dental implants, dental crowns and porcelain veneers.

The lifetime of a dental implant, dental crown, porcelain veneer, or other cosmetic dental restoration largely depends on how it is cared for. Your Orlando Florida cosmetic dentist will tell you that excellent oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups have been shown to lengthen the duration of many tooth restorations.

Although it may seem hard to squeeze in the extra few minutes each day to floss and brush your teeth, those extra few minutes can extend the life of your cosmetic dental restoration and save you money on a replacement.

Your cosmetic dentist should tell you beforehand if your cosmetic dental restoration will likely need to be replaced at some point down the road, like dental bridges or a dental crown. Other restorations like dental implants can last a lifetime.

However, the better the restoration is cared for, the longer its lifespan is likely to be. Poor eating or hygiene habits may necessitate restoration replacements sooner than would have been necessary.

Cosmetic procedures such as tooth whitening or clear braces may require minimal maintenance to retain the aesthetic results. Your cosmetic dentist will help you know what you should do to increase the longevity of your beautiful smile.

Changing lives. One smile at a time. Call today to schedule a cosmetic dental restoration consultation with Dr. Simmonds. We give families in Orlando Florida and the Metro West area of central Florida customized care for beautiful smiles and lasting oral health.